Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!

I am both thrilled to be closing out 2010 and heartbroken to say goodbye to the year of my baby brother's death.  It doesn't seem right that time should continue without him.  

I'm bringing you with me, Jakie.

2011 is going to be a great year of new beginnings, and I'm doing it all for you, Jacob.

I will always love you, Jacob.

Jacob Michael Braasch (01/28/86 - 02/02/10)

Saturday, December 25, 2010


I decided that I am going to learn how to play the guitar.

I want to be a singer/songwriter.

But, I refuse to give up my day job.

Jakie was a musician, and I want to be one too.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Weary Traveler

I think it's sort of perfect that I am going to be resting my head above a pub called the Weary Traveler.

For a little while.

Monday, December 20, 2010

FFRF Winter Solstice Sign at the WI State Capitol and Marianne Makes an Appearance

Here are some lovely shots of the WI State Capitol, the Freedom From Religion Foundation's Winter Solstice Sign, and Lady Liberty in her Red Phrygian Liberty Cap, borrowed from Marianne, the feminine icon of the French Republic.  Actually, the red phrygian liberty cap was a part of the iconography of the American Revolution as well, but, generally speaking, that memory has faded into the dusty annals of history.  But, not in France, where Marianne dons her red phrygian liberty cap with pride.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

FFRF and Madtown

So, it looks like I'm going to be spending a little more time in Madtown (Madison, WI), working with FFRF (the Freedom From Religion Foundation).

Sounds good to me.

I can think of no better way to spend my time while I wait to hear back on my grad school apps.

I love the Constitution.

Especially the Privileges and Immunities Clause.

Saturday, December 18, 2010


I just want to live a life, which will make my Rachie and my Aaron and my Jakie proud to be my siblings.

We will always love you, Jacob.

You will always be our baby brother.

We are going to celebrate your 25th birthday in style.

With you.  For you.  Because of you.

I miss you.

I think about you every moment of every day.

I will be really sad the day I don't mourn you, cry for you.

That day will never come.

I will never be consoled.

Jacob Michael Braasch (01/28/86 - 02/02/10)


You are not not culpable just because you did nothing, because you stood by silently, passively in the midst of evil, while the innocent were being harmed in the face of your ostensible acquiescence.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

I'm Mad for Madtown

It's a winter wonderland.

We'll Always Have Minneapolis

Home Sweet Home.

The front desk attendant at the hotel suggested, with a great deal of condescension, that I use the skyways, given the frigid temperature and my California driver's license.

I told her not to worry about it.  I grew up here.