Sunday, May 29, 2011

An Atheist's Anathema

In loving memory of my baby brother, Jacob Michael Braasch (01/28/86 – 02/02/10)

I see you.  I hear you.  I know you.  You cannot hide from me.  I know your thoughts.  I know what you have done.  And, I know that you know that I know. 

And, I condemn you.  I do not forgive you.  I do not absolve you. 

And, I know that you want me to.  I know that you need me to.  But, I don’t, and I won’t.

My existence and my hatred and my rage and my condemnation torment you.  Because, you cannot pretend.  I won’t allow you to pretend.  I won’t allow you to live in a fantasy world of make-believe and no culpability.  Because, you are culpable.  And, you will be punished.  And, I will punish you. 

I am the only one who can grant you absolution.  I am the only one who can forgive you.  I am the only one who can release you from your guilt.

There is no one else.  There is no one else to save you.  There is no God to forgive you.  No amount of penance or prayer will save you from your conscience.  There is no afterlife.  No heaven nor hell; no purgatory nor limbo.

There is only me.  Judgment Day is now.  I am your personal Jesus Christ, your Messiah, your Savior, your Redeemer.  And, I reject you.  I deny you.  I will not wash clean your sins.  I do not exonerate you.  I am a wrathful, vindictive Old Testament God. 

You will call for me.  Before the end.  You will call for me, beg for me on your deathbed.  But, I will not come.  Call for a priest.  You’ll get no last rites from me. 

I am the only one who can pardon you.  There is no one else.  And, I deny you that peace.  I deny you that respite from your guilt.  I deny you.

It gives me pleasure to imagine you coiled up into the fetal position, in apoplectic agonies of shame, stricken with guilt, tortured by your memories. 

I want you to know, in the midst of your death throes, as you inhale and exhale your final breath, that I do not forgive you.  I want you to know that I will spit on your grave.  

Saturday, May 28, 2011

I Left My Heart at the Santa Monica Pier

I will always love you, Jacob.

You will spend eternity somewhere gorgeous.

A place where you and Rachel and I visited many years ago.

I like thinking of you hanging out there.

Wait for me.

Jacob Michael Braasch (01/28/86 - 02/02/10)


I spent most of today thinking of my baby brother, Jacob.

I miss you so much.  I'm so sorry.  

Every time I embark on a new adventure I think about how much I would have loved sharing this with you.

You are always in my thoughts.


I just want to make you proud.

I will always love you, Jacob.

My baby brother.  

My heart.

Jacob Michael Braasch (01/28/86 - 02/02/10)

Monday, May 23, 2011

Obama Working to Advance Religion in Cuba

In the latest Freethought Today, published by the Freedom From Religion Foundation:

Obama's Cuba travel regulations appear to create a crusading army of religious missionaries to descend upon Cuba to proselytize and evangelize the Cuban people as part and parcel with US foreign policy in an effort to undermine the Cuban government and alienate the Cuban government from the Cuban people.

This is a project I worked on with FFRF.

Read the article here:

Sunday, May 22, 2011

I Left My Heart at the Grand Canyon

Jacob will forever be a part of one of the most beautiful places on earth.

I will always love you, Jacob.

Jacob Michael Braasch (01/28/86 - 02/02/10)

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

No Complaining

If you're ok with the autocratic, extrajudicial assassination of individuals based upon moral outrage, that's fine.

But, then don't complain when they come for you.