Saturday, November 14, 2009

I'm Offended.

I was recently accused of being impolite and having bad manners for saying dastardly things about the Catholic Church and "pro-lifers" and the Religious Right in the US.  I lost facebook friends.  I was told that my behavior was inappropriate and offensive.  

Here's the thing.  I'm offended.  I'm really offended.

I'm offended by the behavior of the religious.  I'm offended by the violations of our Constitution.  I'm offended by the violations of my rights and your rights.  And, I'm tired of having to tip toe around their sensitive feelings.  They are never bothered about offending me or no, but I'm supposed to be very careful not to offend their delicate sensibilities, lest I be accused of bad manners, and I'm tired of it.  Their behavior is offensive.  But, it's OK for them to behave badly, because it's their religion.  

When the Catholic bishops have the brazen audacity to think that they can and should dictate US Federal Law, I'm offended.  They just threatened to throw all of DC's homeless out onto the streets, if the DC City Council approves gay marriage, by the way.  That offends me.

When someone has the nerve to tell me that I'm going to hell, I'm offended.  When someone tells me that I have to live MY life in accord with their moral or religious precepts, that offends me.  When someone tries to tell me what I can or can't do with my body, that offends me.  When someone tries to take away my rights, strip me of my humanity, and deny me my free will, that deeply offends me.

I'm angry.  I'm fed up.  And, I'm tired of having to pretend otherwise.  

They are the ones with the bad manners, not me.

When someone says to hell with the Constitution, which I happen to love, that offends me.

People are just not used to someone saying such dastardly things about religion and the religious.  But, do I lie?

Anyone still think the Faith Based Initiative is a good idea?

I think threatening to throw homeless people onto the street to starve and die is worse than saying the word "bloody".  I really, really do.  But that's just me.  


Jen Hall said...

Amen sister!

Anonymous said...

Nope. Not just you.

Sarah said...

I just saw an article of yours on the FFRF blog and I came across your blog. I couldn't have said it better myself. I am one of a mere two atheists I know. I used to be afraid to offend people. I didn't even want to put "atheist" on my facebook page in fear of offending 98% of my friends on facebook. I think I lost friends because of it too. My own cousin thinks I am going to hell. They feel free to condemn us to their god and we are not suppose to be offended, but being an atheist offends them enough to say so? Hmm.

Well, that was a long comment. Your blog is very inspirational and eye opening.