Our government is secular.
That bears repeating.
Our government is secular.
We still have civics classes in public schools, right?
I think the Constitution should be required reading in public high schools.
This issue is moot. It is, like the right to abortion, settled law.
And, I can't even understand how anyone would want to regress to a religious state.
And, it would, undeniably, be a regression.
We have been living the benefits (not without some serious hiccups, of course) of residing in a secular democracy for well over 200 years now.
The proof is in the pudding. The evidence is in.
Does anyone really want to go back to burning witches?
How quickly one forgets the French Enlightenment.
Our government was not founded on Puritan colonists' values. Our government was founded upon French Enlightenment values.
Not to mention that, sans secularism, women's rights do not exist.
Even in our secular democracy, per current American jurisprudence, religious liberty trumps women's rights. And, women suffer dire consequences as a result of their second class citizenship status.
Here's another civics lesson for y'all: We do not live in a majoritarian democracy. We live in a liberal constitutional democracy.
Theocracy equals tyranny. End of story.
It boggles my mind that people still think that this is a legitimate topic of debate.