Ni Putes Ni Soumises (NPNS – Neither Whores Nor Submissives), an international human rights organization located in Paris that advocates on behalf of women’s rights as universal human rights without compromise, organized a rally in cooperation with the friends and family of Patricia Cetout, a young woman of 27-years-old, who was brutally strangled and beaten to death last month in a suburb of Paris by a man whose sexual advances she had refused. Patricia left her home in Martinique and moved to France to pursue education and employment opportunities. The rally took place at 3 pm on Saturday, March 27, 2010, in front of the apartment building where Patricia lived, 34 rue Jules Ferry in Choisy-le-roi. A crowd of approximately 250 mourners, including family, friends, activists, government officials and civic society leaders, donned t-shirts with Patricia’s picture and paid their respects in honor of her young life. The mourners left flowers on Patricia’s doorstep and moved the crowd with heartfelt words.
Ni Putes Ni Soumises (NPNS) fights on behalf of women everywhere in support of secularism, gender equality and gender desegregation to defeat violence perpetrated against women and discrimination. NPNS condemns cultural relativism and obscurantism. The grassroots feminist movement was created as a ferocious response to the egregious violence being perpetrated against the women and girls of the cités and quartiers of the banlieues (the ghettoized suburban housing projects surrounding France’s major cities, which are primarily comprised of marginalized Muslim immigrant communities). The femmes des quartiers (women and girls descended from Sub-Saharan and North African Muslim immigrant families) continue to lead the fight for women’s rights and the full recognition of women as human beings with inherent dignity.
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