Thursday, March 10, 2011

There Will Be a Reckoning!

The WI GOP admits that they have been lying all along about the union busting provisions of Governor Scott Walker's "emergency budget repair" bill being about the budget.

They separated these provisions out from the rest of the "budget" bill on Wednesday evening.

Then, because these portions admittedly have nothing to do with the budget, as the Republicans have now admitted, they were able to ram them thru in a surprise vote on Wednesday, because bills that have nothing to do with the budget require a lesser number for a quorum.

With the Republicans alone, because the Senate Democrats had fled to IL so as to negate the possibility of a quorum to vote on the budget bill, the Republicans voted on the union busting provisions only on Wednesday night in the Senate and passed their anti-democracy union busting bill.

And, Wisconsin responded.

And, we flocked to the Capitol in Madison.

And, they tried to keep us out.

But, we took back our house.

And, we will continue taking back what is ours.

Including our democracy.

And, there will be a reckoning.

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