Saturday, February 19, 2011

I Love My Planned Parenthood!!

I am tremendously proud to say that I have taken advantage of the excellent services provided by my Planned Parenthood, and that I received extraordinary care.  I am a woman of little means, and was a woman of little means at the time, as well.

Planned Parenthood is a lifeline to sexual and reproductive healthcare and rights for millions upon millions of women and men across the US, especially in lower income communities.

Shame on the US House of Representatives.  Shame on them.

This is an all out attack, an assault on the status of women as fully human human beings and their rights as such.

The Republicans are waging an all out class warfare against the have-nots in this nation.

It's like we're being attacked from all sides, and I don't even know where to turn to start defending myself.

Go here to stand with women and with Planned Parenthood:

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